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The Supreme Court’s Dog & Pony Show

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this Rotten to the Core episode to bring to light the problems in the recent supreme Court ruling Carson vs Makin.

Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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Preshow music:


Explosive response child sex trafficking victim of Epstein, Maxwell, & unnamed co-conspirators

Symbolism will be their downfall…

Former detective Maggie Oliver on deportation of Rochdale “grooming gang” leaders blocked by ECHR


Michael Stenger, Senate Sergeant at Arms on January 6th, was found dead yesterday

Netherlands: Angry and hungry farmers block the roads nationwide

Lara Logan: The cabal is actually ‘the cult’

Former Head of LA FBI Ted Gunderson explains which forces are behind world’s biggest cover-ups

Tucker throws entire Biden family in JAIL after LEAKED Joe Biden voicemail proves their corruption

Pro-Life Latina: ” A Man That Doesn’t Defend The Defenseless Is Despicable”

Chlorine gas leak at Jordan port kills 12, injures hundreds

Carson v Makin supreme Court by Tim Brown on Scribd

The hack hype jobs I’ve seen:

1) From Epoch Times (look at the cheshire cat grin on Roberts): https://www.theepochtimes.com/supreme-court-strikes-down-maine-tuition-assistance-program-for-religious-discrimination_4547545.html?utm_source=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2022-06-22&utm_medium=email&est=aKfnLEYz96RqPVx2nhLsT7GaTOf9yMhfc8gi263euG1CNzw94hKcbod8Jjcr5iAk

2) From the NY Times: https://messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com/template/oakv2?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20220622&instance_id=64697&nl=the-morning&productCode=NN&regi_id=136756181&segment_id=96428&te=1&uri=nyt%3A%2F%2Fnewsletter%2F86ecf573-9818-5eeb-87fe-aa9f06b699e0&user_id=2f1df56edb5f5d9c1df2e5f0153eeb3c

3) From Rep. Foxx and her ‘crew’ in DC: https://mailchi.mp/bccd209f218d/foxx-mccarthy-applaud-supreme-court-decision-on-carson-v-makin?e=14885c7df3

4) The Network for Public Education’s Press Release: https://networkforpubliceducation.org/npes-statement-on-the-supreme-courts-decision-in-carson-v-makin/

See the comments on Ravitch’s blog: https://dianeravitch.net/2022/06/23/the-dissenting-opinions-to-carson-v-makin/

Some proof as to Ravitch’s claims? https://time.com/6129283/bangor-christian-schools-lgbtq-carson-makin/ AND https://accesswdun.com/article/2022/6/1112528

5) From Vox: https://www.vox.com/2022/6/21/23176893/supreme-court-carson-makin-religion-schools-vouchers-chief-justice-roberts

6) From the National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/06/the-fall-of-the-wall-around-religious-education/

Bangor Christian Academy’s Guidance webpage: https://www.bangorchristian.com/guidance

The church behind BCA: https://crosspointbangor.com/About-Us/Our-History

Temple Academy’s website wasn’t very helpful, but here’s the main website: https://templeacademy.org/

Tying Temple Academy to CTE and ME’s workforce minion programs: https://sites.google.com/mmtc.me/mmtc/our-school/about-us

The TA Robotic Team (will tie to CTE and STEM): https://www.thebluealliance.com/team/4906 AND https://www.centralmaine.com/2022/04/19/local-schools-win-awards-in-robotics-competition/

The ME Dept of Ed’s STEM evidence: https://www.maine.gov/doe/learning/content/scienceandtech

The 111 Grants ME receives which tie to science in some way, esp. for STEM: https://maine.grantwatch.com/cat/9/elementary-education-grants.html

ME’s STEM Council in Gov’t: https://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/20-a/title20-Asec11.html

From ME’s Business Council, this pair of articles: https://www.mainebiz.biz/article/an-alfond-grant-will-expand-stem-education-in-maine AND https://www.mainebiz.biz/article/stem-salaries-fueling-growth-innovative-programs-are-positioning-maine-students-for-careers

Our show on The Supreme Court and charters schools: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/unlawful-dangerous-deceptive-scotus-charter-schools-in-the-us/

Then, our show on C vs M: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/the-supreme-courts-shuck-jive-show-video/

Now, Johnny’s Hydra show will also need to be used for our Wednesday show: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/hunting-the-hydra-the-majority-of-scotus-has-allegiance-to-a-foreign-entity-king/

  • 22:31 to 22:46 (lockstep moves)
  • 24:54 (buzzwords)
  • 26:40 to 27:48 (war/ no freedom)
  • 28:46 to 29:39 (who’s behind the agenda)
  • 29:49 to 30:15 (Catholic ills)
  • 33:07 to 35:14 (JKF, SC and more)
  • 34:24 to 35:37 (Military Insurgency)
  • near 39:00 (for the Roman Catholic ideology running US key positions)

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