The President’s Latest Executive Orders Promote Globalist Agenda, Not Personal Freedom
Executive orders by both the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah and current President Donald Trump have used education as a means to the workforce end for the economy’s sake, not personal freedoms. As a result, the Marxist agenda, which is a global agenda, continues to march forward, taxypayers are robbed and children indoctrinated. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode of Rotten To The Core Wednesday to explain just what is going on.
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Resources, articles and documentation mentioned in this episode.
White House Press Release on the National Workforce Council’s extension:
My archived article showing the ed/labor ‘mergers’ from our past (*Note: which also connect to the ed/labor G20 ‘merger’ DeVos signed us up for in 2018.)
House Dem’s Member meeting where post-COVID ‘safety’ was ‘discussed’:
House GOP’s press release where Rep. Foxx trips over herself to congratulate Pres. Trump’s National Workforce Council:
From the Federal Registry, the document for the Promise Neighborhood changes for Native American Tribes (*Note: public comments are needed by 7/29/2020)
Link to sign the federal registry concerning #6:
Related to education/our lives:
FCC changes:
AND Faith based National Council at Homeland Security:
HR 2 introduced in the past few days seeks over $1 billion to reopen and/or rebuild schools across America to comply with COVID safety.
(*Note: ‘education’ is embedded 72 times. We’ll need pages 358, 437, 546/547, 602/603, 635, 708, 711, 757)
HR 2’s acronym is INVEST Act (Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act). Over 1,000 pages; has 3 main sponsors and 129 co-sponsors.
Gates Foundation has given a new grant for the same thing to the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers) and CfC (Chiefs for Change). That grant is at least $1 million dollars.
Related/homework Resources:
1) A timeline which leads up to the national workforce council of today.
2) The article with the federal statutes broken by merging education and labor. This was right after the EO creating the National Workforce Council was signed.
3) Details Sec. of Ed, DeVos’s willing signature to take Americans down this aligned step-in-line path we find ourselves on.
4) Chiefs for Change and the U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Family Ambassadors (because parents need the federal government’s parenting agenda).
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