Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»The Latest Bill Being Advanced In Congress To Enslave Americans To The UN

The Latest Bill Being Advanced In Congress To Enslave Americans To The UN

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As the attacks on the liberties of Americans are coming fast and furious in the illegitimate Biden Administration and the new Congress, the latest bill being pushed, HR 447 seeks more cradle to the grave control over you and your children to the United Nations’ goals. It must be stopped! Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to explain what’s going on.

Links to all the information provided in this episode, plus additional resources provided by Lynne.

(Rep. Bobby Scott has recently introduced HR 447 *National Apprenticeship Act of 2021″ where it expands skill based learning to ‘pre-apprenticeship programs’ for younger and younger students.There are 89 co-sponsors right now.
Since SDG #8 is decent work and ties to skill based education (SDG #4):
(Also linked is this House Resolution for across the board Climate Change education in schools (SDG #13):
Chilling Information about Families, Genes, Internet, Digital Learning, Geofencing, and tying it to Education is this resource.
In the above link, check out the following pages:
  • 8 & 9
  • 12 & 13
  • 18
  • 24
  • 44 & 45
  • top of 56
  • 59 (brings in geofencing data tracking)
  • 60 (family schools) *We’ve already discussed these are increasing
  • 93 (legalized slavery)
  • Page 193 begins the Bibliography and by its end on page 205, you’ll see some of the usual CCSS Machine groups, but notice the heavy Russian influence for ‘global education’.
The lead author for the book was Pavel Luksha
To see how Luksha ties to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Marc Tucker and many more in on the digital human capital investments (which creates geofencing, bitcoins, digital badges, etc.):
(*Note: Alison McDowell, Wrench in the Gears Blog has spent many hours amassing all this evidence and has it in one easy to see form. IT WILL NEED TO BE ENLARGED. Most of the information we’ll need is near the bottom and over to the left hand side. But much more can be see from this map, too).
To see MORE from the GEF’s latest information:
(There’s a 2018 Report which contains some of the information featured above from the 2019 book.)

 To see past information from GEF:
In a former GEF Slide Share program, by the 4th slide is the website reinventdemocracy.info
That is an arm of the UN (See: http://www.reinventdemocracy.info/website/index.php)
(*Note, slide 20 shows the democracy in the digital age and 27 shows the US participation as a region. It’s also worth noting that the main target for shifting democracy is more youth involvement in gov’t decisions. Hence, HR 1’s shift in voting ages dropped, as we talked about last week)
Related to all this in some way:
Education Reimagined is another (separate) group pushing the post COVID digital transformation and learner centered education. See the CCSS Machine members:
Then, look at the resources page:

Resources for later:
1) Charlotte Iserbyt’s 3 page PDF on the Russian/American Agreements for education:
3) From Robin Eubank’s blog, more evidence which ties Plavel Luksha to the demise in education,but note also the others mentioned. Much information is also in the comments:
4) Reposted in a Seattle Anti CCSS website, is this article by Alison giving a description of what a digitally enslaved person might experience:
5) From Jason Bosch’s website: a 5 part interview with Alison on the 4th Industrial Revolution (which is what the GEF is actually laying out). This will play directly into COVID, education, human capital, and bondage of citizens:

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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