Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»The G7 & The Advance Of The United Nations’ “Human Capital” Agenda (Video)

The G7 & The Advance Of The United Nations’ “Human Capital” Agenda (Video)

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor recently wrote, “…the G7 (Group of 7 nations) just wrapped up their 2021 Summit in the UK. Maybe you’ve seen pictures or read a few articles about the meetings within the Summit. While ‘education’ was NOT a main topic, it was thrown into several of the meetings of various groups, as means to an end. That end? More UN (United Nations) adherence. Especially when it comes to skill based labor. WHY? So everyone can have a job!” She joins me in this episode with a mountain of evidence on how they are doing this and why it isn’t good not just for your children, but for you as well.

Additional resources mentioned and not mentioned in this episode as provided by Lynne.

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Adam Heikkila speaks at the 30:45 mark.

Link to the G7 (held in England): https://www.g7uk.org/

The BBB (Build Back Better) theme of the G7: https://www.g7uk.org/

The real meaning of BBB:https://medium.com/climate-conscious/the-policy-slogan-build-back-better-has-an-interesting-backstory-c41731e8282

Article it’s from: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2019/05/06/the-hc-police/

From the G7’s subgroup, Y7 (Youth 7): https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56bbc80dc6fc089e185b5ca4/t/609e844b554f0762c240ae6c/1621001293740/Y7+2021+Communique.pdf

The G7 subgroup, W7 (Women 7) will use militant feminism and increase LGBTQ+ agenda points, especially in education. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/536c4ee8e4b0b60bc6ca7c74/t/608ab9e93926032d9f774742/1619704298199/W7+Communique+29.04.2021.pdf

The G7’s 2 subgroups, Labor and Business (L7 and B7) teamed up for their parts in education: https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/Final%20B7%20L7%20joint%20statement.pdf

Here’s the biggest quote from the joint LB7:

Education & skillsRapid technological adoption and advancement is changing the world of work, accelerated by COVID19. Transitioning to a netzero economy also requires new skills. Inadequate retraining and lifelong learning risks exacerbating skills shortages at a time of rising unemployment. Employability must be a key focus of education and training systems, with provision that gets people into work and offers lifelong learning improved with the involvement of social partners in its design and governance. G7 countries need to enable more opportunities for quality vocational training and lifelong learning, including through public investment in education and skills.

The C7 (Civil Society 7 subgroup) will use education as a social justice bully pulpit:

The S7 (Science 7) will increase STEM, STEAM, STREAM in education. While I couldn’t find their report, it was their chairing group, the Royal Society, which revealed the plans:



Link to the upcoming G20: https://www.g20.org/italian-g20-presidency/priorities.html

Archives of the G20, 2018’s saw Trump/DeVos align education and labor without our consent: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=G20&submit=Search

This image was from the 2019’s G20:

Related Resources:
1) From 2018, my look at how ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) played right into the future of work for our kids.
2) If you’ve never seen the US created SDG Toolkit for community alignment to the UN, you have to read this one!
3) The CBE (Competency Based Education) that is 100% embedded in these new G7 plans, was explained in this 2017 archive.

Not in the article, but seen as ads on satellite since the G7’s meetings ended, is Google pushing the reskilling of America through their digital skill based credentials.

>Here’s one example revealing Google and Goodwill’s partnership for CBE:

This example reveals the credentialing of Google is used in Community Colleges (also CCSS aligned with STEM/CTE, etc.)

This example reveals the partnerships of non profits (Merit America in this case):

Here’s the link to the Merit America funders and partners (The CCSS Machine is well represented): https://www.meritamerica.org/get-involved

My 2 articles revealing Goodwill as a CCSS/UN partner: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=Goodwill+&submit=Search (the first reveals their support for CTE, the second, their involvement with STEM)

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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