Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»The “All Seeing Eye” Of The Feds Looking To Micro-Manage You In This Document, Especially Dissidents (Video)

The “All Seeing Eye” Of The Feds Looking To Micro-Manage You In This Document, Especially Dissidents (Video)

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode and asks, “…have you ever seen a more troubled time in education, here in the US? I don’t think I have. The COVID-19 Era has skewed everything we know about how life is supposed to be. It’s also killing true education.”

Lynne will present: “The latest ‘smoking gun’ evidence, is the recent publication by the U.S. Dept. of Education. Titled “Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Health”, this over 100 page report shows the lows our government has sunken to in order to further the cradle to grave educratic manipulation of us all.”

Articles, links, videos mentioned in this episode and additional resources provided by Lynne.

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Now, the 2 main resources we need are NOT the usual PDF links, rather the links are buried in Press Releases and will go straight to your computer files.

Supporting Child Student Social Emotional Behavioral Mental Health by Tim Brown on Scribd

The first one we’ll need is the Gov’t Accounting Office letter FROM the House Republicans Committee for Education/Labor. The link is highlighted in yellow, I believe. You should see a federal letterhead and the date of Oct. 20, 2021. https://republicans-edlabor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=407798

That stated, I did create a Google Drive image to stress how the US Rep letter ties to the current parental ‘witch hunts’. I wanted to embed it in my article, but the image wouldn’t translate to the blog. Watermark this image please.

WE also will need this image (we’ve used several times before to show the Title One funding shift’s purpose).

Secondly, is the latest Report from the U.S. Dept. of Education.

The title of the Report is “Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental Health.

Here’s the press release with the link embedded: https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-releases-new-resource-supporting-child-and-student-social-emotional-behavioral-and-mental-health-during-covid-19-era

The Report is over 100 pages and here are the ones we’ll mention:

  • Page 1 (CDC definition of mental health)
  • Page 2 recommended actions by US ED per CDC’s definition
  • Page 3 Mental health crisis caused by COVID-19 that only the American Rescue Plan can address
  • Page 4 Comprehensive and school based mental health
  • Page 5 Data tracking will increase with all the stats the gov’t will need to streamline mental health for not only students, but entire communities (will also be found on Page 24 via MTSS and ‘fluid data flows’)
  • Page 15, the ‘unmet mental health needs’ mean universal screenings for whole communities (this is a back door into your homeschool, too). This will use ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences, PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), as well as SEL (Social Emotional Learning) tied to MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Support. Use the image below so we can go over this:

  • Page 18 will also show the MTSS and PBIS straightjackets for all.
  • Page 19, ‘wellness’ but in what context determined by whom?
  • Page 20, ‘local action steps’ begin. How can these be local if the federal gov’t has already determined the steps?
  • Page 21, ‘normalize everyone’ (again by what context?)
  • Page 23, Mental Health “best practices” will be a continuum (ie: cradle to grave micromanagement via ‘whole school/community’)
  • Page 25, will mention 3 different programs tied to PBIS for student manipulation on a daily basis. You can find this at ALL levels of education. These are: “Check In/Check Out”; “Check and Connect”; and, “Check, Connect & Expect”.

Links for all three:

Check In/Out: https://www.pbisrewards.com/blog/check-in-check-out-behavior-intervention/

Check/Connect: Short video: https://youtu.be/D93gwDLLUic AND this: https://checkandconnect.umn.edu/model/components_elements.html (look at where the parents are and compare to the US Reps letter of absurdity)

This publication on Check/Connect/Expect: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1063426615573262

  • Pages 26 though 34 will underscore the ‘underserved’ student populations (homeschool alert again) and alignment to mental health interventions; the gov’t intervening sooner with the underserved and neglected; leveraging state/local funds from federal gov’t to expand gov’t run mental health services using schools/communities; expanding the mental health workforce in a gov’t designated fashion; ‘outcomes’ for all (means gov’t prescribed patterns NOT free choice); community wide health assessing AND universal screening for those assessments!
  • Listed on Page 47 (and those following) are different national US agencies.Beginning on Page 74, you’ll see 14 different National Agencies fully funded to carry the Report out (and are in the process of doing so). Two unconstitutional agencies are the main conduits: US ED and US HHS.
  • You’ll also see the WHO (World Health Organization cited) as well as SAMSHA, Education Trust (where former US Ed Sec. Dr. John King works); Reach Higher, the American School Counselors Assoc.
  • Page 53 will point to mental health for all; it’s near here you can see several States as examples of how this is being set up.
  • To back up all the data tracking mining, ‘technical assistance’ by US EDHHS will begin on Page 73. Then beginning on Page 81 will be all the Tech Assisting Resources for SEL and Mental Health.
  • Lastly, Page 93 shows you have the funds in the name of COVID-19 Era relief are the sources of funding for the entire REPORT.

Related Resources for the Archives:

  1. The mentoring and school counseling got the SEL/CCSS Machine makeover during Pres. Obama’s days. Here, is where I laid out how the government overreach was going to use these people to promote a career track based education full of soft skills for better employment opportunities.
  2. In 2019, the ‘mentoring’ was called ‘success coaching’. See how similar this has become to what we see now in the name of COVID-19.
  3. March 2021’s article on SEL for All embedded several items which have been extended in this latest Education Report. They’ll also tie back to the amount of parental voice being EXCLUDED.
  4. This archive of mine from 2019, goes into the misuse of Title One funds, in-home visits to ensure the family is marching to the government’s tune, and more.
  5. This one, also from 2019 on my blog, goes into examples from KS, MN, and other States already imposing on families in the name of education via in-home visits and other school based programs.
  6. As far as the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) mentioned numerous times in the U.S. Dept of Ed Report, goes; here are the archives I have. With universal screenings, this is what we will face.

Closing point to make:
As far as how it can be applied in the COVID-19 Era, it’s a safe bet that those who measure up in ways the government frowns upon, will be the ones most micro-managed.

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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