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So, ‘Technology’ Is Education? (Video)

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in the first bi-weekly episode of “Tell It To Me Tuesdays”. We’ll take a look at just how backward government and non-government entities are promoting technology as education rather than educating in order to discover technology. This is dangerous stuff!

Visit Common Core Diva

The recent K-12 AI (Artificial Intelligence) webinar by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine (NASEM): https://vimeo.com/1019459381

Looking Glass Ventures:https://govtribe.com/vendors/looking-glass-ventures-llc-6u6w0
(The graphic in green and purple shows most $ is from the federal gov’t)

My article from 2016 showed how the White House had unleashed at CS for ALL movement:

From this point on, in the video, the speaker gloats about the AI advancements for every age, beginning in PreK.

How does this tie to the UN’s SDGs and technology, especially in education?

2024 SDG #4 Finance Update:
(Download link): https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000385004

2024: SDG #4 Update:
(Supporting publications): https://www.unesco.org/gem-report/en/monitoring-sdg4

2024 GEM Supporting Report:
(Download link): https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000389406

2023 GEM Report:
(Download link): https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000385723

The video of the official release of the 2023 GEM Report.

The 2024 SDG Scorecard for all UN Member States:
(US is #46 at close to 75 percent) Finland is #1 at close to 86 percent completely aligned;
South Sudan is at the bottom with about 40 percent alignment. Several countries aren’t even near 40 percent (Andorra-Vanuatu)

*Note, if you look at the rankings, the Russian Federation is our closer ‘competitor’, not China. RF is #56, China’s #68. However, note the countries which are ahead of the US.

Why was Uruguay chosen as the 2023 Global kickoff location for the GEM Report:
It’s the country which was the first in the world to implement a technology device for EVERY child in education.
The project website is in Spanish, but English translation is provided (must select it):
The video provided here, is about 5 minutes. It has English subtitles.
(Here’s an excerpt from Uruguay’s current education plan that uses Ceibal):
“The need to solve this issue may have contributed to President Tabaré Vázquez’s decision to introduce the Ceibal reform through Executive Presidential Decree 144/007. Born out of the political will to merge technology and education, Ceibal responded to the “need to advance toward an information and knowledge society” (Mateo-Berganza Diaz & Lee, 2020 in Delso Segovia, et. al. 2022). The Equity program for Access to Digital Information (PEAID) was launched in December 2006, based on the MIT non-profit organization, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), which provided digital devices to address critical education gaps. Ceibal was subsequently created in 2007 to provide a laptop to every student and teacher in public primary education (Plan Ceibal & ANEP, 2011 in Delso Segovia, et. al. 2022).”

Uruguay’s STEM will increase, thanks to global financing:

This ties to the GLN: Global Learning Network

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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