Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Setting Brushfires 12-18-2019: “Binge Education” – It’s The “New” Thing, Dontcha Know?

Setting Brushfires 12-18-2019: “Binge Education” – It’s The “New” Thing, Dontcha Know?

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Strayer University has developed “Binge Learning” to engage your brain more. According to their research, our brains are hard-wired to be actively engaged so we take in more education. However, consider that TOO much on-line viewing is bad for our health. Strayer University is supposedly for adults and adult learning. What does this have to do with K-12th grade education? ESSA was 100% clear about the community being conformed to meet the needs of student engagement for better ‘outcomes’. Anytime, especially in education, you see that word, it’s code for mandated results you must achieve in order to graduate or advance to the next certificate level. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me for this episode of Rotten to the Core on Setting Brushfires to break down what this is and how it affects you and your children.

Articles and videos mentioned in this episode:

New AND Improved Education?





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