Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Resurfaced Rockefeller Document Using Meetings To Force Agendas & Language Manipulation

Resurfaced Rockefeller Document Using Meetings To Force Agendas & Language Manipulation

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Previously, we mentioned the Bellagio arm of the Rockefeller Foundation a couple of week’s ago on the show about the Supreme Court.
It has surfaced again in a 2022 Rockefeller document about using meetings to force agendas. The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor explains what is going on and how we will be getting a lesson in language manipulation at our expense.

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1) The TCC Group’s website: https://www.tccgrp.com/
See this link for the history of this B Corporation: https://www.tccgrp.com/about-us/our-story/
To understand a B Corp’s grasp on education, see my archived article: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/04/11/by-degrees/
1a) This document from the TCC Group about “Convenings”: https://www.tccgrp.com/wp-content/uploads/Evaluation-of-Convenings_2020.pdf
Notes from this document:
i) The gist of the need for conformity from all of us was shown as this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iewSJ6nTEv4
ii) “Outcomes” based on group action are more important than you are
iii) Page 3 states need for emotional convening (also see footnotes)
iv) The Conveners website: https://conveners.org/
vi) Page 4 shows the word manipulation surrounding ‘convening’
vii) Page 5 has an image explaining the manipulation
viii) Page 6, the purple box and the image below it
ix) The word ‘learn’ is embedded 12 times. See Page 12, where ‘adult learning’ is involved
x) Page 14 will break down ‘outcomes’ for us
xi) The Skoll Foundation: https://skoll.org/1b) It was in the opening pages of 1a that I found the Gather: The Art & Science of Effective Convening, Monitor Institute reference. When I searched for that it took me to the Rockefeller Foundation.


1c) To access the 2022 Gather from Rockefeller, go here: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Convening-Design.pdf
i) Page 1, bottom right column
iii) Page 6, ‘room captain’
iv) Page 8, key questions

vi) Pages 12-16


2) This Artificial Intelligence ‘friend’ is downright creepy, but consider this is the context of the video we watched where the Digital Public Infrastructure was in full ‘operation’ mode:

2a) The story of the Replika (Luka Corp in CA is parent) https://replika.com/about/story

2b) Luka, according to Crunchbase: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/io


3) IXL in classrooms, will this groom kids for Replica as they age? https://www.ixl.com/membership/teachers


3a) The pdf of specs, don’t miss the CCSS alignment or the digital dependency it spurs.

Product Info Sheet by Tim Brown on Scribd

3b) IXL has several other companies under its digital grasp: Rosetta Stone being one of them. https://www.ixl.com/company AND https://www.ixl.com/company/people (look at the number of CCSS Machine entities involved)
This recent show you and I did, Tim, will also play into this with the international data tracking: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/international-data-sharing-connecting-you-to-local-state-fed-gov-the-un-video/

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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