Kate Shemirani On Cystic Fibrosis Plus The Truth About Guy Fawkes (Video)
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
The Sons of Liberty’s health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani joins us in this episode for some real history concerning Guy Fawkes as the fifth of November approaches and Londoners are preparing for a major protest that resembles something out of V for Vendetta. She’ll also be discussing things one can do who is suffering from cystic fibrosis. We go way over time with lots of valuable information, so hang onto your seats!
You can help Kate as thanks for all the information she supplies by getting your nutritional supplies from her at the links below.
Genesis Healing
The Good Inside
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Recipe #1: For one person use a 4-quart pot, chop, do not peel, the following vegetables, cover with purified distilled water. Simmer slowly for 2 hours, then put through food mill:
1 medium celery knob 1-1/2 lbs tomatoes
1 medium parsley root 2 medium onions
Garlic as desired 1 lb potatoes
2 small leeks A little parsley
Recipe #2: Step One: Hippocrates Soup Stock: For two people use a large (4-5 quart) pot. Clean vegetables, chop, do not peel. Cover with purified water. Simmer slowly for about 3-4 hours, then strain. Toss out the exhausted vegetables. Makes about 4 quarts of soup stock (2 days worth).
Soup Stock
1 Cup celery knob 1 Cup parsley root
3 Cups leeks 3 Cups onion
A handful of fresh thyme Garlic as desired
Recipe #2: Step Two: Add The fresh vegetables.* Makes 4 servings. Serving size: 2 Cups
The Soup
1 quart of the above soup stock, strained
1 Cup leeks ½ Cup onion
½ Cup tomatoes 2 Cups potatoes
½ Cup parsley root 1 Cup carrots
½ Cup celery root (okay to infrequently substitute stalks of celery, chopped)
Add the chopped vegetables to the stock, simmer slowly, until the potatoes are done. It can be served after being ground through a Foley food mill (the traditional way), put through a blender, or eaten as a chunky stew. Use within 3 days.
*Note: The basic idea is to consume 1 Cup of the soup stock and 1 Cup of fresh vegetables 2 times per day. The medicinal ingredients of “Hippocrates Soup” are leeks, celery root, and parsley root. The potatoes are for calories and protein. The onions and tomatoes are added for flavor! The flavor is optional. The following suggestions are very different in flavor, they are simply suggestions to get you started. Have fun with this — experiment! Enjoy!
Italian Tomato Soup: Per 1 Quart soup stock add: 1/2 Cup of sliced potato, celery, and green beans. Allow to simmer til tender. Add: 1/2 Cup sliced zucchini, bell pepper, tomato, 1 clove garlic, fresh onion. Soak sun dried tomatoes in stock then blend in blender and add to soup. Herbs: basil, oregano, rosemary.
Oriental Soup: Slice vegetables very thin, julienne: celery, bell pepper, zucchini. Add sliced Jerusalem artichoke, mung bean sprouts, sliced cabbage. Add lemon juice and garnish with green onions and fresh cilantro.
Orange Soup: To Soup Stock, add sweet potato, potato, squash, and carrots. Add a little cumin and ginger. And just before serving add the juice of one orange.
Broccoli Soup: To stock add broccoli stems, potato, apple, celery, and onion. Grind in blender, return to heat and add broccoli tops ‘til just tender.
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media