Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Is It Time To Dissolve DC? (Video)

Is It Time To Dissolve DC? (Video)

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Our forefathers dissolved their ties with Great Britain and stated their reasons in the Declaration of Independence. God issued Israel a writ of divorce, and writs of divorce were available to married couples when there was sexual immorality. While those writs were not mandatory, in fact God pleaded with Israel to return to Him and Jesus spoke of the writs being for the hardness of men’s hearts, still they were available means of dissolving the bond. Our federal government has not only been unfaithful to the people, but that unfaithfulness has led to corruption to such a scale that the tyranny is seeking to be in every aspect of our lives. Drawing from Jefferson’s words in the Declaration of Independence, we’ll take a look at our options and ask, if it really time to dissolve our political bands as sovereign states from Washington, DC?

Our Chick-fil-a protest will take place at the Gaffney, South Carolina Chick-fil-a on Saturday, January 8, 2022 between 11-2. Please park somewhere other than the premises and joins us if you are in the area or you can conduct your own at your local Chick-fil-a. See you then!

Articles, links, videos and Scripture mentioned in this episode.

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Matthew 19

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List Of Over 1,000 Scientific Studies, References, and Reports Linking COVID Vaccines to Hundreds of Adverse Effects and Deaths

Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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A Message Christians, Conservatives & Constitutionalists Need To Hear For The New Year (Video)

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