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Is American Law The Law Of The Land Or The Noahide Laws?

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I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. -Revelation 2:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. -Revelation 3:9

The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode of Rotten to the Core to present more information on the Noahide Laws as March is approaching and we are about to see a renewal of these wicked Talmud fueled “laws” that do punish those outside of the kind of Judaism that is expressed by those advancing the Noahide Laws.  Our apologies as the live stream was interrupted several times.  The podcast audio is in full.

Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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Law & The Noahides 1998 by Tim Brown on Scribd

1a) This article: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/adin-steinsaltz-appreciation-reuven-leigh

1b) This article: https://www.queensjewishlink.com/index.php/opinion/58-frontlines/5942-america-needs-to-re-learn-the-seven-noahide-laws

1c) From the Noahide Academy, their “one world peace”: https://www.noahideacademy.org/copy-of-jerusalem

1d) UN document in full support of Noahide Law.

Uniting the United Nations with Seven Noahide Laws by Tim Brown on Scribd

2) From this DC based news report a rise in anti semitic crime is afoot. The article also cited a recent study by the Anti Defamation League.

See: https://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/way-out-of-control-i-team-examines-rise-in-antisemitic-incidents-in-montgomery-county/3266981/ AND https://www.adl.org/resources/report/antisemitic-attitudes-america-topline-findings (Note: ADL’s report is a partnership of the Univ. of Chicago’s NORC and the One8 Foundation. NORC is short for the National Opinion Research Center.)  See: https://www.norc.org/About/Pages/our-history.aspx (Note: NORC’s roots are connected to John Dewey!! His influence on education is absolutely criminal!! See: https://www.norc.org/About/Pages/university-of-chicago-affiliation.aspx )

2a) ADL’s history: https://www.adl.org/about/mission-and-history

2b) This excerpt about the not so great tactics of the ADL:

“For many years the ADL’s remit has stretched way beyond combatting “anti-Semitism”, which in any meaningful sense has long since ceased to exist in contemporary America, and has ended up poking its unwanted proboscis into the activities of bona fide political and campaigning organisations for the overt purpose of political and racial gerrymandering.

One method of perpetuating the phoney struggle against anti-Semitism is to smear all and sundry as “anti-Semitic”. A 1964 ADL hatchet job, Danger on the right, written by two of its staffers, attempted to smear “Extreme Conservatives” as anti-Semites. One fifth of the American population! A 1992 ADL survey echoed these sentiments; 1 in 5 Americans were said to “hold strong prejudicial attitudes against Jews”. (21) Of the earlier comment Weyl writes “The Anti-Defamation League supposedly exists to refute slanders against the Jewish people and promote tolerance amongst the non-Jewish majority. It is difficult to believe that the best way of bringing this about is for the national chairman of the ADL to slander some twenty per cent of the American people as associates of ‘kooks,’ ‘bigots’ and ‘yahoos.’” (22)  (Source: https://www.infotextmanuscripts.org/born_in_bigotry.html )

2c) This article shows ADL as hateful to several groups of humans: https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/emmaia-gelman-anti-defamation-league/

2d) ADL’s World of Difference Programs (globally): https://www.adl.org/who-we-are/our-organization/signature-programs/a-world-of-difference-institute/international AND https://www.adl.org/global-search?f%5B0%5D=topic%3A48&f%5B1%5D=topic%3A49&f%5B2%5D=topic%3A7238&f%5B3%5D=type%3A59&f%5B4%5D=topic%3A48&f%5B5%5D=topic%3A49&f%5B6%5D=topic%3A7238&f%5B7%5D=type%3A59

3) The 2nd PDF is a document about the First 40 Years of NORC. It features the founder, the fact that NORC began in CO, not IL; that the gov’t funded a major amount of social studies (page 2); that early ‘research’ included mental health, socialized medicine and the UN). We’ll look at a couple of other pages in this document, too.

4) John Klyzcek’s book, “School World Order”

5) As far as the One8 Foundation, see: https://one8.org/

5a) The education entities One8 supports: https://one8.org/our-grantees/

5b) One8’s leadership team (note the STEM hub is well represented. Thus, the UN’s SDGs are well supported) https://one8.org/our-team/

5c) One8 Foundation was originally the Jacobson Family Foundation (MA): see: https://www.idealist.org/en/nonprofit/95fc0245f29a4222b358ba2bf62c664d-jacobson-family-foundation-boston

5d) JoAnna Jacobson is a former Harvard grad. It’s in her featured page on Harvard’s website that more clues into educratic BS can be found.  See:  https://www.alumni.hbs.edu/stories/Pages/story-bulletin.aspx?num=2779 AND this link, where the 15 Family Foundations she helped use to create a single Group called the Strategic Grant Partners: http://blogs.wgbh.org/masspoliticsprofs/2016/8/2/hidden-money-behind-great-schools-strategic-grant-partners/ (Note: in this link, you’ll see the MA based Stand for Children. That can be tied back to Bill Gates & his $$. You’ll also see IL’s Gov. Pritzker is included.See: https://ballotpedia.org/Stand_for_Children )

6) As a reminder for the upcoming elections in 2024: https://2017-2021.state.gov/the-abraham-accords/index.htmlf AND https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5490683/jewish/President-Biden-Proclaims-Education-Day-for-Rebbes-Date-of-Birth.htm

6a) Our show on the Abraham Accord: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/ties-that-bind-abraham-accord-noahide-laws-zionism-trump-biden-educratic-moves/

For archives:

ADL’s book list for families/education: https://www.adl.org/education-and-resources/resources-for-educators-parents-families/childrens-literature?_gl=1*n3b6am*_ga*MTg2MjcxNjA0MS4xNjc1MTg2MTY1*_ga_S9QB0F2PB5*MTY3NTE5MjY0Ni4yLjEuMTY3NTE5MzgxNi4wLjAuMA..

From my blog, all my articles on the harm of the Noahide Laws in education: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=Noahide&submit=Search

From the Sons of Liberty 2020 article, this excerpt about the UN tie to Noahide:

Noahide Laws used in America:

  1. are based off corrupt Pharisee mandates for power/control (not to be confused with the true Noahide Law from the Dead Sea Scrolls and are the first 7 Commandments of the Ten Commandments)
  2. fully embraced by the UN and embedded in the SDGs (STEM, STREAM, STEAM, IB schools, etc.)
  3. set up the caste system
  4. found in the Communist Manifesto


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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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