Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Former NFL Player Wants “Christian Values” For Community Change, But Look At Globalists With Which He Is Partnered & The Unbiblical Things He Is Engaged In (Video)

Former NFL Player Wants “Christian Values” For Community Change, But Look At Globalists With Which He Is Partnered & The Unbiblical Things He Is Engaged In (Video)

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Casey Crawford is a former Carolina Panthers player. However, as he has transitioned into a new line of work, Movement Mortgage, he is seeking to impact communities, but not necessarily with Gospel approach. In fact, while he claimed to be advancing “Christian Values,” the reality is that he is teaming up with globalists and his company is engaged in the unbiblical practice of usury. Why is this important? Because at its core, Crawford is targeting children and education. Join the Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor and me for this explosive episode.

Articles, video and links mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provide by Lynne.

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2a) Movement Schools: https://www.movementschools.org/

3) Casey Crawford (Former NFL player): https://www.faithdrivenentrepreneur.org/bios/casey-crawford
3a) The Movement Foundation’s short video will explain the community agenda: https://movementfoundation.org/

4) From 2016’s article about community overreaches from sports partners:

5) NFL and United Way’s overreaches into communities: https://www.unitedway.org/nfl#

6) The Movement video for a new type of community: https://movement.com/about

7) Novant Health Care is a partner of the Movement Foundation: https://www.novanthealth.org/

7a) Novant’s Foundation has community overreaches: https://supportnovanthealth.org/about-the-foundation/

8) From an archived article of mine, this is a great illustration for the cycle of community the US is being shifted into:

9) We’ll go back to Movement Schools and look deeper: https://www.movementschools.org/
9a) Illuminate Data Tracking: https://www.illuminateed.com/
9b) STEP assessments: https://uchicagoimpact.org/our-offerings/step
9c) National School Lunches for Charters: https://www.fns.usda.gov/cn/national-school-lunch-program-and-school-breakfast-program-questions-and-answers-charter
9d) C4 Counseling: https://www.c4counseling.com/our-counseling-model
9e) EMDR: https://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/
9f) Allender Theory of counseling: https://theallendercenter.org/about/allender-theory/
9g) MAP assessments: https://www.nwea.org/map-growth/
9h) Athlos ‘character education’: https://athlos.org/movement-character-program/
9i) The SHAPE Physical Ed curriculum tied to Athlos:

10) The 14 minute video I created explaining the 2020 news about more taxpayer dollars for public charters: https://www.commoncorediva.com/aiovg_videos/10-08-2020-fascist-charter-school-moneyball/

11) As aligned to the CCSS Machine as it can be, even NPE is warning about charter school dangers:

12) The GLR family/school resources: https://gradelevelreading.net/our-work/parents-teachers-together

13) Lastly, my Christmas message to all:

Additional resources:

1) The Movement School Board’s website to access all their pdf documents: https://www.movementschools.org/school-board-minutes/

2) The article featuring SHAPE Physical Ed: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/02/24/an-educratic-beanstalk/

3) Website which claimed Crawford learned about running a mortgage company from Google: http://nfl-pe-stage.azurewebsites.net/next/articles/casey-crawford/

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