Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Even More Unconstitutional Spending In The Omnibus Bill That Aids The Communist Agenda

Even More Unconstitutional Spending In The Omnibus Bill That Aids The Communist Agenda

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President Trump signed another enormous spending bill after Christmas and lo and behold, there’s more unconstitutional spending that furthers the Communist agenda than you can shake a stick at. While I have covered quite a bit of the spending in previous shows, Common Core Lynne Taylor joins me to expose the spending that is flying under the radar with the people, and that on purpose.

Previous shows mentioned and all the resources and more in this episode provided by Lynne.

What All Is In That Unconstitutional “COVID Relief” Bill Just Signed By Trump?

Trump signed HR 133 on 12/27/20.

Link to the Senate Version (which is the 5593 pages version): https://rules.house.gov/sites/democrats.rules.house.gov/files/BILLS-116HR133SA-RCP-116-68.pdf

Some random avenues HR 133 will intersect education:

HR 133/PL 116-260 uses ‘transitional’  in several instances. Most will tie to Public Health Act. These will be traced to the Medicaid/care programs, especially for in home services and medical treatments. Medicaid/care programs was reconfigured in the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act). Section 317 of PL 116-260 reauthorized school based health centers. (See page 2114). Cognitive assessments are also part of the Medicaid/care funding and used to label children based off these tests. Arguments have been waged since ESSA that many are wrongly labeled due to lack of medical professional diagnosis.

If folks didn’t know it, the Dept. of Health/Human Services has a Transitional Science branch. Use the image from their website to show the audience.

Then point out Page 2115’s vouchers for children’s health. In the name of COVID ‘relief’, what is this law setting up?

Related to COVID relief in education, Page 1841, $3 billion in social services (will intersect education in many ways). Page 1851, the $81.8 billion in ’emergency education relief’. Pages from there to 1863 lay out much more. Don’t miss how non-public education is roped in. Governors are the channel for this.

The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act was cited twice. While it’s in relation to China, don’t miss the human rights violations verbage. With the shift in America to more global human rights, not God-given rights, we should be on notice here. Especially where the lines about to vax or not are becoming clearer.

This infograph shows some current activity: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Infographic_v1.8-508.pdf

More from the State Dept: https://www.state.gov/global-magnitsky-act/

THEN, this from the same State Dept. (Note the background image):https://www.state.gov/bureaus-offices/under-secretary-for-civilian-security-democracy-and-human-rights/bureau-of-democracy-human-rights-and-labor/

(Page 1272 shows $300 million for democracy endowments; 1286 shows the US Democracy Fund. This ties to the USAID. USAID is a global member of the UN.)

The US contribution and participation in the GAVI Alliance should be noted. See pages 1279 and 1590.

If folks don’t know what GAVI does, show this: https://www.gavi.org/ (GAVI is short for Vaccine Alliance) and: https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork

It’s on Page 1590 that you can see the $4 billion made available to Trump for the COVID vax and delivery.
Page 117 of PL 116-260 sets up $3 million for a pilot program via the Dept. of Ag to fight a certain type of grass. This will also involve forestry and wildlife. As we know the Dept o Ag has embraced not only the EPA, but the use of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). It’s in the use of the $3 million that partnerships (no doubt with schools) will use education to carry this pork belly portion out.
(*Note: the use includes erosion control, as much land is being taken from citizens in the name of sustainability (uses will turn farms to solar panel fields), how much further will this pilot damage the land?)

HR 133/PL 116-260 also includes millions for Dept. of Ag food programs. Mostly for research/development. These impact education, not only from the obvious school breakfast and lunch programs, but SNAP funds (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance), community-wide garden projects and how these intersect to college/universities.

The 2017 Nutrition Guidelines from the federal government were cited.
Of the 19 related bills to HR 133/PL 116-0260, HR 7614 and HR 7616 were embedded. I wrote about those bills here: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/07/30/education-going-for-broke/
Here’s my almost 9-minute video about those 2 massive taxpayer bilking bills, which are now law: https://www.facebook.com/CommonCoreDiva/videos/309982050190921/

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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