Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»Douglas Bond On America’s True Founding Fathers (Video)

Douglas Bond On America’s True Founding Fathers (Video)

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When people think of founding fathers, they usually think of men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, among many.  However, those who actually laid the foundations of what we call these united States of America were some of the Reformers such as John Calvin, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and others, including groups such as the Huguenots and the Scottish Covenanters.  Author and speaker Douglas Bond joins me in this riveting interview about America’s true founders, those that held fast to the law of God, as well as His true saving Gospel in the structure of the civil society we once enjoyed and are seeking to revive for the glory of the One who established us as a people.

Visit Douglas Bond’s Site

Grab His Books On Amazon

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