Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»“Charity” Meets UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (Video)

“Charity” Meets UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (Video)

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The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in another uncovering of an organization toeing the line for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and they are even trying to cover it with a thin veil of Christianity. We’ll take a look at what Heifer Foundation is doing and how it is deceptive to advance the UN agenda.

Articles, links, videos and bonus videos mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

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1) Heifer’s main website: https://www.heifer.org/

1a) Heifer’s History: https://www.heifer.org/about-us/index.html

1b)  Heifer’s founder, Dan West: https://web.archive.org/web/20110927004223/http://www.manchester.edu/danwest/index.htm AND https://web.archive.org/web/20101014225122/http://www.hagerstowncob.org/UnsungBrethren_Dan_West.html

2) Britannica Encyclopedia’s history of the Brethren tells much more than other sources I saw: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Brethren

3) This short YouTube video about Heifer will help point out some of the SDG word play:

4) From Heifer’s “Our Work” tab, you will NOT see education, but it’s embedded in

“economics”. https://www.heifer.org/our-work/index.html

*Note: both education and health care are embedded in economics

5) From Heifer’s blog, you can find the SDGs in these 4 articles:

5a) https://www.heifer.org/blog/sustainable-development-goals.html

5b) https://www.heifer.org/blog/sustainable-development-goals-ending-poverty-at-the-root.html

5c) https://www.heifer.org/blog/improving-education-in-a-globalized-society.html

5d) https://www.heifer.org/blog/provide-education-for-girls-with-heifer.html

6) As far as what Heifer is using for education, they have a 12 Cornerstones curriculum: https://www.heifer.org/our-work/our-model/community-mobilization/cornerstones.html

7) As far as the Brethren, the church has developed a new Sunday School Curriculum called “Shine”. Here’s a short video on the entire sales pitch:

Here’s the 2023 VBS of Shine’s. Note the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math), page 11: https://shinecurriculum.com/vacation-bible-school/

8) Attached is the 2021 Heifer Annual Report:

Heifer International Annual Report 20211123 WEB by Tim Brown on Scribd

*Note: Heifer’s Read to Feed Library program helps support all of the above. https://www.heifer.org/what-you-can-do/get-involved/schools/read-to-feed.html

9) Note associated with the Heifer or Brethren is this article about the militant attitude that the US (and other affluent countries) aren’t serious enough about the SDGs: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-03389-x

For  the show/archives:

1) From an archived article of mine, this excerpt: If you want to know what those who implant STEAM in our schools do, read this excerpt from ‘How to Start a STEAM Program’, “The approach to STEAM varies from school to school, depending on each district’s appetite for integration. Some schools fully immerse the arts in STEM subjects, developing a full year’s STEAM curriculum to accompany every lesson unit. Other schools pick and choose projects to integrate throughout the year.

Many schools are creating physical spaces, often called “makerspaces,” as a home base for STEAM. Similar in vibe to a lab or studio, these makerspaces are often converted storage closets or computer labs. Students can work in these makerspaces on STEAM projects independently, in small groups or with a whole class. Typical materials and devices in a makerspace run the gamut: 3D PRINTERS, LASER CUTTERS, ROBOTICS KITS, ELECTRONIC INVENTION KITS SUCH AS THOSE FROM LITTLEBITS AND MAKEY MAKEY, COMPUTERS,  CRAFT SUPPLIES, HAMMERS, NAILS AND SAWS, SEWING MACHINES and FABRIC.”

2) Article link: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/24/full-steam-ahead/

3) All I have on STEAM and the UN: https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=STEAM+United+Nations&submit=Search

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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