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Setting Brushfires Radio Show

COVID’s Tyrannical Jackpot
The entire COVID propaganda has resulted in several tyrannical actions by both the current DC administration, as well as governors and mayors across the united States. They’ve really hit the proverbial jackpot, if you will, when it comes to tyranny with the COVID narrative. Among the payouts to the tyrants …

The Nazis Never Lost!
Many may think the Nazis actually lost, but that would be a mistake to think such a thing. In fact, following the Nuremberg Trials, only 10 Nazis were executed and a handful imprisoned. What happened to the rest who were alive following the war? Celeste Solum joins me in this …

“Churches,” False Teachers & Non-Profits Got Your Money In Trump/Democrat/Republican Bailout
Here’s what Fascism looks like, people! Megachurches and other religious organizations who are supporters of President Donald Trump were approved for millions of your dollars, America in forgivable loans in the government pandemic bailout, according to government data. By holding their hands out to the state to receive money, which …

What’s In Hand Sanitizers & The Truth About The UK Nursing Board’s Actions Against Kate Shemirani
In this episode, we’ll talk about what’s in those hand sanitizers that many people are using. In many, known carcinogens are a part of the product. Additionally, Kate will talk about the actions of the UK nursing board as they were required to hear and respond to her arguments against …

Dead Men Tell No Tales: Epstein Didn’t – Will Ghislaine Maxwell?
Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime girlfriend, a woman who lured underage girls into sex trafficking and believed to be tied to Israel’s Mossad as a spy running a honeypot organization for blackmail, was alleged to have been arrested this past week and while she is reported to be ready to name names, …

Health Passports: The Next Stage In Tracking & Surveillance
The next stage in goverment tyranny is being attempted in the UK. It’s called a health passport. “A passport holder can present their assigned VCode using their smartphone, fob or lanyard printout which can be scanned outside of the 2 metre safe distancing zone. This can present extended information to …

Trump’s Treasonous Triumph: How He’s Undermining Parents & The Constitution
The latest evidence emerges of President Donald Trump’s treason against both the US Constitution and the parents of the united States. Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me in this episode to explain and document the 45th president’s unconstitutional actions that continue to mount up for which he should be …

Before & After 9/11: What The Government Has Been Plotting Is Coming To Pass
Celeste Solum worked for the people of the united States. What she witnessed as an employee inside our government prior to 9/11 and after, along with seeing the plans made against the American people by those entrusted with upholding the law and the Constitution shocked her and she has written …

Constitutional Militia 2.0 – Restoring The Real Law Enforcement Of The People
While many are calling for defunding the police and others are out to organize militias that are outside of the militia defined in the Constitution, there are many of us that desire a replacement of the police force with the constitutional and biblical militia, which is composed of the people, …

Round 3: Nursing Board Goes After Kate Shemirani, Again – You Won’t Believe The Lies They Told
In a third hearing, the UK nursing board has gone after registered nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani, only this time the lies they told were massive whoppers and they did it when Kate wasn’t even there to defend herself. So, in the interest of the public to know exactly what …