Home»Setting Brushfires Radio Show»A Common Word: How The Pope, Islam, The UN & Noahide Laws Attack The Church & Society (Video)

A Common Word: How The Pope, Islam, The UN & Noahide Laws Attack The Church & Society (Video)

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Our latest installment of Rotten to the Core Wednesdays on The Sons of Liberty radio has us looking at what is being put forth by A Common Word. It is seeking to bring Islam, Christianity, Zionist Judaism under one umbrella with Islam at the front. The threat is real as Christianity is the only true Abrahamic faith (Book of Galatians) and the only worldview that embraces Jesus the Christ as God in the flesh, the One and only savior of all men (Acts 4:12) from their sins (lawlessness; 1 John 3:4). The Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor joins me to provide the videos and documents showing how this is taking place right in the heart of where former President Donald Trump established his antichrist “Abraham Accords,” The United Arab Emirates. Don’t miss this one!

Our Chick-fil-a protest will take place at the Gaffney, South Carolina Chick-fil-a on Saturday, January 8, 2022 between 11-2. Please park somewhere other than the premises, stick to the sidewalk and joins us if you are in the area or you can conduct your own at your local Chick-fil-a. See you then!

Articles, videos, and links mentioned in this episode, along with additional resources provided by Lynne.

Chick-fil-a Goes Full Fascist – Siding With Tyrants On Experimental Shots & Tests (Video)

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Big Victory for Navy SEALs Against Unlawful “Vaccine” Mandate – Injunction Issued

Originally Aired in 2014 – Investigative Journalist Revealed How Tyranny Is To Progress In The US & The World (Video)

Google Manipulates Results As Searches “Mass Formation Psychosis” Explode Due To Collapsing COVID Narrative

Feds Admit Running Secretive DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Protests


1) Preview of “Enemies Within the Church”:

2) The ‘general search’ link I did to show what SOME modern day US seminaries are teaching: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=US+seminaries+global+human+rights

3) The main page to access “A Common Word” document (go to the title “A Common Word Between Us and You” and click the download option. It should take you to a separate page and a document over 200 pages. THAT WILL NEED TO BE SCRIBD) https://www.acommonword.com/publications/
(Pages: Content/Introduction; 3-5; Bottom 15/top 16; Page 25/27; Bottom 30/top 31; page 35. Page 77 begins ‘Some Christian Responses’)

4) Directly from my article:

“So, Where’s It All Leading Us To?

Warriors, the facts are this: A Common Word is backed by the UN and has been for years. The Pope is in 100% co-operation with the United Nations, and has been for years. The US Government has been a willing and able UN partner for years, and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Don’t believe me? Many Islamic groups and higher education groups are supportive of ACW, including CAIR.”

Link to CAIR: https://www.cair.com/

5) The Pope’s ideas for vaccinations as being a justified citizen: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/249921/pope-francis-vaccine-access-is-a-matter-of-justice

6) The Pope’s call for global education for the economy’s sake NOT academics: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/249944/2022-world-peace-day-message-pope-francis-calls-for-investment-in-education-not-weaponry

7) The current State Dept’s statement for globalization mirrors almost exactly what the Pope/Common Core/Common Purpose and A Common Word lay out. https://www.state.gov/a-foreign-policy-for-the-american-people/

8) A Common Word/Common Core/Common Purpose all tie back to the Noahide Laws. Here’s my link to all we’ve done on exposing the militant punishment state of Noahide (aka: Social Justice more tied to Islam than Christ): https://www.commoncorediva.com/?s=Noahide&submit=Search


*Our main interview on this very topic (and where we can mention jakE joining us next week to further discuss):


Directly from my article:

The problem with all this ‘common’ language and agenda is that it’s NOT going to help Johnny and Suzy (or their parents and community members) reach THEIR ideal goals or desires, but a State-driven, indentured servitude status. “A Common Word” will more or less be the penal system by which we are all measured. How will ANY level of education survive this?! It won’t. Rather, because of the attitude/value/belief shift success already obtained by the UN and all its participants: measuring out who gets to do what, learn what, live where is but a mere punctuation mark on one of those damnable declarations determining our rights. While “ACW” drives the measurements, it’s the Noahide Laws which will divide us all.”

9) The misinformation about how Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the main connections to God’s Word via Abraham: https://www.acommonword.com/love-in-three-abrahamic-religions-2/

10) The New One World Religion Headquarters website: https://backtojerusalem.com/one-world-religion-headquarters-set-to-open-next-year/

10a) The video link to what the Headquarters will look like:


10b) Back in 2018, I exposed the UAE (where this One World HQ is) paying an American CCSS Machine member assessment company to create MORAL ASSESSMENTS. These assessments are also being used in the US! https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/09/18/moralitys-dilemma/


Additional resources:

1) The UN’s misdirection that uniting religions is the only way to have world peace:

2) The archived article on the Common Core Initiative of the Catholic Church:

2a) The Catholic Church’s use of STEM (from the UN) to create STREAM:

2b) The Christian Church’s embracement of STEM (UN):

2c) From 2018, I asked some tough questions of our Christian based education resources and clergy about embracing the UN:

3) This 2019 article showed how ALL school choices had open access (still do) to the UN”s Comprehensive Sexuality Standards tied to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) SDGs are embedded in Common Core, Common Purpose and A Common Word.

4) The Google Books link which will detail a response by over 300 US religious leaders to an open letter from 2007 in the NY Times. (See pages 97 and 98)

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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

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